Martyna Pszczółkowska


Witam! Jestem Martyna. Szukasz młodej, kreatywnej i sumiennej osoby z głową pełną pomysłów? Znalazłeś właściwą osobę we właściwym miejscu. Pisanie to moja pasja i myślę, że z łatwością odnajdę się w każdym temacie.  Zajmowałam się tekstami SEO, artykułami prasowymi, tworzeniem kampanii reklamowych, a także tłumaczeniami. Pracuję również w mediach społecznościowych i potrafię prowadzić fanpage oraz instagram. To jest moje portfolio, z kilkoma moimi artykułami w nim zawartymi. Zapraszam do współpracy. Zapewniam, że wiem co robię i nie zawiodę! :)


Hi! I am Martyna. Are you looking for young, creative i conscientious person with a head full of ideas? You have found the right person in the right place. Writing is my passion and I can write texts on various topics and the most Beauty or Psychology. I have dealt with SEO texts, newspaper articles, creating advertising campaigns, as well as translations. I also work in social media and can lead a fanpage or instagram. This is my portfolio, with a few of my articles in it. I invite you to cooperate. I assure you that I know about it and I will not let you down! :)


Wśród nowości kosmetycznych coraz częściej pojawiają się produkty z dodatkiem CBD, które według obietnic na opakowaniu powinny działać na praktycznie wszystkie zmartwienia i dolegliwości związane ze stanem naszej skóry – począwszy od trądziku, przez choroby skóry takie jak egzema, aż po pospolite zmarszczki. Czy rzeczywiście CBD to cudowny lek na wszystkie dolegliwości skórne, czy jest to po prostu dobry marketing? Co to jest CBD?...

internet in the 21st century

The Internet has almost 3.2 billion users (source: This represents 43.8% of the world population. No other medium has gained such popularity. The phenomenon of the Internet can be discussed for hours. However, it is enough that it is a powerful treasury of knowledge. When you want to search for something, you usually grab the mouse and click on the browser icon on your desktop. You don't have to go to any trouble, because the search engine will find the sites you are interested in on its own. Your task is only to reach for the content that will turn out to be useful, and this weakens your cognitive abilities and makes you weary of the effort that was once required to acquire knowledge. "All information on the Internet is treated equally. This reliable and valuable content is adjacent to untrue content, which is particularly harmful to children and young people. - writes Beata Adamus in a series of library workshops in the Pedagogical Library in Piotrków Trybunalski. We are talking about another threat connected with the Internet. Not only do you have to get through the informational thicket, but you also have to get out of it what is reliable and certain. And finding certain sources can be a prank. Finding information alone is not the end of the struggle. You still need to be able to use it creatively. Today's education system does not require it too often. Usually, the work is limited to copying and putting into other words the resources found. The new dimension of education is to change this.